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There are many ways to install Catalyst. The following describes a reference architecture on an Ubuntu 22.04 server. Feel free to adapt it to your needs.

Reference architecture for catalyst

Installation Script

The installation script will create secrets and set up a docker compose deployment. It is tested on Ubuntu 22.04 but should work on other Linux distributions and macOS as well.

Installation Process

  1. Set up 2 new (sub)domains, one for catalyst and one for authelia (OIDC user management).
  2. Set up the catalyst server.
    1. Set up a Ubuntu 22.04 server.
    2. Point the domains from step 1 to the server.
    3. Ensure Docker, Docker Compose, unzip, curl, openssl, and sed are installed.
    4. Download the installation script: curl -sL -o
    5. Adapt the command to your needs:
      bash \
      <hostname> \
      <authelia_hostname> \
      [<ssl_certificate> <ssl_certificate_key> | --no-ssl] \
      <admin-user:admin-password:admin-email> \
      <user:password:email> ...
      1. hostname is the domain name of the catalyst server, e.g.
      2. authelia_hostname is the domain name of the authelia server, e.g.
      3. ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key are the paths to the SSL certificate and key. If you handle ssl termination at a load balancer or reverse proxy, you can use --no-ssl to disable SSL.
      4. admin-user:admin-password:admin-email is the admin user that will be created.
      5. user:password:email are the users that will be created. You can add as many users as you want, but also add them later.
    6. Run the command, e.g.:
      bash \ \ \
      --no-ssl \ \ \
    7. Wait for the installation to finish. Catalyst will be available at <hostname>.
    8. Log in with the credentials from above.

Local Installation


Please acknowledge that this is for testing ONLY and NOT recommended for ANYTHING ELSE!

To run a test deployment of Catalyst on your local machine execute the following steps:

  1. Add the following lines to your /etc/hosts:
    • catalyst.localhost
    • authelia.localhost
  2. Ensure Docker, Docker Compose, unzip, curl, openssl, and sed are installed.
  3. Download the installation script: curl -sL -o
  4. Generate a self-signed certificate: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout example.key -out example.crt -subj "/CN=localhost".
  5. Run the command, e.g.,:
    bash \
    https://catalyst.localhost \
    https://authelia.localhost \
    /some/path/example.crt /some/path/example.key \
  6. Wait for the installation to finish. Catalyst will be available at catalyst.localhost.
  7. Log in with the admin credentials from above.
  8. Due to the self-signed certificates, you have to ignore the corresponding warning in your browser. You might face a failed login after you ignored the certificate warning when being redirected to authelia.localhost. In this case, navigate to catalyst.localhost and login again.

User Management

Users are managed by Authelia. The user_database.yml file is located at authelia/user_database.yml.

You can also use other OIDC providers like Keycloak. Adjust the OIDC_* environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file and remove the authelia service if you want to do that.

Self-Signed Certificates

If you want to use self-signed certificates and an external OIDC provider you might need to add them to the catalyst container, so that it trusts the connection to the OIDC provider.

- "./mycert.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/mycert.crt:ro"
- "./myroot.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/myroot.crt:ro"